Mimelon.com treats everyone’s rights with due respect. The company sets the Terms and Conditions, Product Listing Policy, and corporate operating procedures, which do not accept any use of copyrighted, trademarked, counterfeit, and unlicensed products whatsoever
We scrutinize any and all cases resulting in claims addressed to Mimelon.com and ensure that due measures be taken, as required by DMCA and other international and local laws.
Intellectual Property Rights Owners
Our company strictly follows copyright laws and regulations. If you see any signs of violation of your intellectual property rights on Mimelon.com resulting from improper product and/or listing, provide information for our legal team to take appropriate action:
Please, use the email for request:support@mimelon.com
To Marketplace Sellers
All customers must be sure they are buying high quality products on Mimelon.com. No product or part of it sold on the website shall feature any trademarked or copyrighted materials without the copyright owner’s consent.
We take any and all legal steps to counter the sale of all sorts of counterfeit products, including, but not limited to, trademarked, illegally reproduced and replicated ones.
In case whereby a counterfeit or any other product infringing on someone’s right be listed on Mimelon.com, the seller will be permanently banned from the site, and the product will be removed. Also, such incidents result in funds being withheld and possibly in legal steps being taken by Mimelon.com against the violator.
Important Information
Image restrictions and catalog ownership are not enforced by Mimelon.com. Once an item page is created, it is permanently included in the Mimelon.com catalog. It is not subject to exclusion from catalog even after the termination of the seller’s account after selling out.
Every owner of the text, images and other copyright elements, shall realize that submitting these elements to the Mimelon.com catalog shall result in Mimelon.com sharing the copyright owner’s worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual rights to publicize these materials.
Marketplace sellers are permitted list offers against your catalog items, which are exact matches of items, which you have created and supplied with your text and images. Listing against your items that are different from theirs is a violation, and we expect anyone to report us of such cases to Support@mimelon.com
In case whereby you discover your content has been included in our catalog without your consent and/or permission, please, report the contact in keeping with the instructions described in the Brand, Copyright and Trademark section.